Conversion Tracking (Server-Side)

Conversion Tracking (Server-Side)

Besides the "classical" client-side method of executing the conversion code in the user's browser, it is also possible to import a transaction into the partner program via a server-side call. For this purpose, the tracking code with the corresponding parameters is called up by the store's server. For the assignment of the transaction to the correct publisher/channel it is important to submit the "emid" to the landing page. Then the “emid” must be saved by the store page. This configuration have to be done in the administration of the partner program before.


Conversion Call - Serversided

Conversion Call - Serversided


Variable description




The campaign ID is entered here.


The Trigger ID is entered here.



The order number / order ID is entered here.


The net order value is entered here. This can result in the commission for the Publisher.


A description can be entered here.


The current currency is entered here.

This is used, for example, if a store is operated in Switzerland, but sells its goods in €. If the field is left empty, the currency setting of the partner program will be used.


Here you can enter the order attribution. The value is transferred in decimal format and a dot as separator. (50% = 0.50)


Is filled with the value of the parameter emid, which is transferred to the landing page by easy.affiliate via the click link. This value is very important for the attribution, as otherwise no assignment of the transaction is possible.

*mandatory fields