

Is there any documentation on the Transaction / Statistics API?
A documentation of the API is available via the following link: Publisher API

I have measured more clicks in my internal statistics tool than the private network’s statistics show me.
Don't worry, we measure all clicks in netto measuring mode. Our system has a reclick filter of four hours so every user is measured only once every four hours in the statistics.
This means that if a user makes the first click, it will be counted once in the statistics, but a further click will not be counted again.
The cookie for recording a transaction is already set when the first click is made and also ensures tracking of the order placed.
However, the statically fewer clicks have no impact on the tracking of orders.

What are transactions and where do I see them?
Transactions can be e.g. orders in an online store, bookings of a trip, opening an account, newsletter subscriptions etc.
You can view a list of the transactions already tracked by your account by clicking on "Statistics - Transactions” in your publisher account.

I have more than one active partnership - how can I switch to another program?
There are two different modes:

  • Programs (campaigns) run under different URLs

Next to the menu item "Settings" you will see the program title you are currently in.
If you now go with the mouse over the title, your active programs appear there and you can change by clicking on the title

This menu item appears only if the operator offers several programs or if you are authorized for more than one partner program

  • Several programs run under the same URL

In this case the menu item "Campaign" becomes the menu item Programs.
Here you have the "Program List" and "My Active Programs" in addition to the well-known links such as Advertising Media - Program Data etc.
there you will receive all further necessary information about the offered campaigns (partner programs) of the operator.

Where can I see what my commission model is in the partner program?
That’s easy: Just click on the menu item “Campaign” → “Program Details”
You don't have this menu item? then please “programs” → “program list” → “program title”

You will now receive all relevant information about the program (campaign) including the active commission model.

In the upper area on the far right you see a pull-down menu with your website or several websites

Below you will see a list of the earning possibilities - if there are several different sale-rates (=events) you will get all details by click on "More commissions...".

Can I also run Postview - is there a separate code for this?
It depends on whether the affiliate campaign is set up for post view tracking and allows it.
If post view is offered and you are white listed by the campaign administrators, you will find the separated post view code in the ad media management (menu item “Programs” or “Campaign” → “Ad media”) an additional TAB "Postview-Code".
Click on it and you will see the Postview Code valid for you.

Where do I find my account- and billing settings?
You will find the menu item "Settings" at the top next to your User-ID - there you have access to all settings concerning your account.

Where do I change my master data?
In the login area, go to the menu item "Settings” → “Master data”. Here you can enter all relevant data such as address, company, newsletter settings, language and much more.
Hint: All fields marked with an asterisk must be filled out.

Where do I change my bank data?
To change or store your bank details please go to the menu item “Settings” → “Billing”.
In order to be able to receive a payout, it is necessary that you make these settings correctly.

If you are a VAT-enabled company, the international VAT ID is mandatory.

Where can I find my invoices?
When logged in, you will find all payouts generated to you so far under “Settings” - “renumeration”.
The payout invoices are offered as a PDF document and can be downloaded by clicking on the download icon.

Details of which transactions have been paid out in each credit can be found here

Where can I see the transactions payed out in the last invoice?
Go to the menu item "Statistics” → “Transactions" in your publisher backend. To be able to see, which transactions are payed out in the last invoice, just activate the filter transaction filter the filter "Credits" in which you get all credits paid to you so far. Now select one of the credits of which you would like to see the details and then click on Show statistics.

All transactions contained in the selected credit will be listed individually and can be downloaded as XLS, CSV or XML

How do I add new websites (projects)?
To display your existing projects (websites) or to enter a new project, go to "Settings - Projects" in the login area.

The following information is required when creating a new project:
Description e.g. "cats.com- everything about cats".

URL your project’s URL including https:// - e.g. “https://www.cats.com/”

Description Enter a short and meaningful description of your website here - "The site is about cats.".

Where can I change my password?
You can change your password in the login area under "Settings” → “account information".

The password should be at least 8 characters long - In addition, numbers and letters should be combined here, as well as lower & upper case.

Frequently asked questions about campaigns:

Can I use product lists?
If a campaign offers one or more product lists, you can see, manage and also download them under the menu item "Programs → Product data" or "Campaign → Product data". You will find the API-Links there, too.

Where can I find the advertising material?
The advertising material can be found in your publisher backend at "Programs” → “Advertising material" or "Campaign” → “Advertising material".

All advertising media are grouped into admedia categories - there is also a filter according to size and type of advertising media.
To get a code to be included in your website, please follow the steps below:

Show complete code for the web page:

Click on the desired ad media on the AdCode tab above the ad media.
Here you will get the complete code to be inserted into your website, which already contains all relevant information to record the insertions and clicks.

Example of a complete AdCode:

<!-- BEGIN --><br /><a href="http://trck.eadev.de/eclick/6e297f9d1d370c587d7580242ce16332" target="_blank">
<img src="http://trck.eadev.de/eview/6e297f9d1d370c587d7580242ce16332" border=0 width="100" height="100" alt="Easy Affiliate logo" />

If you click on the Direct Links tab, the View link and the Click link are offered separately.
The View link is for recording the displays, the Click link is the link that links to the partner program page and is required for recording the visitor's order, if any.

Is it possible to attach a SubID to my Tracking-Links?

Of course, you can also attach a SubID to any Tracking-Link if you need to do so. For this purpose we provide you with the parameter subid=.
The SubID may be 200 characters long and may be alphanumeric.


For more information, click here: Information on SubID-Tracking

What do the different types of advertising media mean?
Banner - GIF / JPG / PNG... common graphic banners
Text - Text advertising material
HTML - Html advertising media such as search boxes
Newsletter - Newsletter templates are intended for sending to your newsletter recipients - These can be e.g. current campaigns - new product presentations etc. of the programme operator.
All links to the target page(s) of the programme are already stored for you in the template.
Vouchers - Vouchers including conditions and duration

Questions on statistics
Which statistic types do you offer?
In addition to the daily statistics, there are also campaign statistics, project statistics, advertising media statistics, SubID statistics, referrer statistics and advertiser statistics.

The transactions are also displayed under this menu item - however, these are not actual statistics which are enriched with views & clicks rather than a list of transactions.

A sorting of the statistics is also possible. Just click on the arrows below the icons - the sorting can be ascending or descending.
You can see which sorting is currently active by clicking on the corresponding arrow which is displayed in red.

What do the filters mean?
To limit the output of the statistics, you can perform a variety of filters.
Period filters - standard filters and optional filters are available.

The time period filter:
This filter is further divided into 2 modes - absolute and dynamic.

With the absolute mode you can set fixed time periods yourself with a date selection from-to
With the dynamic mode you can select the current month - previous month - last 10 days and current week in a drop-down menu.

In addition to the time setting, you can also filter transactions that have accumulated according to the following criteria:
Time filter: Date of receipt (recording of the transaction) - Date of processing (Which transactions were checked (released, cancelled) in the period - Date of payout (Which transaction was paid out in the period)

The filter of the time scaling can only be used at the daily statistic mode. Here you can display the statistics for the selected period of time then for the individual days, summarised in weeks, months, quarters or years.

With the standard filters, you can choose whether you want to limit the statistics to one advertiser or campaign, or whether you only want to display one of your project (websites).
These options can only be selected if it is an agency or advertiser with more than one advertiser/campaigns or if you have more than one project stored in the system.

With the optional filters you can filter the statistics for the following options:
Advertising media filter (select the desired advertising media for which statistics are to be created)
SubID filter (see exactly what views, clicks and transactions have been generated via a SubID)
Referrer filter (offers a filter to the referrers which are connected to the transactions / orders, views and clicks)
Trigger (Which sale rate (event) is connected to the transactions / orders)

What do the statistic columns mean?

  • Traffic

    • Number of advertising media - views

    • Number of unique clicks (each click of a visitor is only evaluated once within 4 hours)

    • Click rate - ratio between insertions and clicks

    • eCPM - effective Cost per mille - effective thousand contact price

    • EPC - Earn per Click

    • Cancellation rate - Number of cancelled transactions in relation to total number of transactions (open+released+cancelled)

  • Transcations and Commissions

    • Number / total of open transactions / commissions

    • Number / total of cancelled transactions / commissions

    • Number / total of released transactions / commissions

    • Total commissions from open / cancelled / released - In the case of releases, the amount is reduced if e.g. partial returns of products are done to orders

Can I export the statistic(s) & are there also API links to the statistic(s)?
Of course you can also export all statistics. There are 2 possibilities:

  • at the statistics itself - at the bottom of the page - you will find the icons for XLS, XML and CSV

  • at the Data-API-Menu (see “api” → “data api”)

If you need further information about our API, see here: Publisher-API Documentation