Admedia generator

Admedia generator

The admedia generator could be activated by the owner of the program to create own deeplinks to specific product pages of a shop. This self created admedia can also be found in the statistic so you can see for example how many user navigate to a specific product.

Find the admedia generator

To open the admedia generator you have to select the admedia generator item in the campaign tab.

Create admedia

In the following window, you can select a project and the campaign (if several are available).

Mode: The mode of the template.

Title: The title of the admedia.

Template: If several templates are available you can choose here between them.

Deeplink: The link to the shop is placed here. It can be that a part of the link is already defined. If that's the case, have a look under “create admedia with already defined deeplink”.

Description: The advertiser can place some information here for example about which products are allowed to be applyed.

Textlink character strings: You can choose a name here for the admedia which are shown when the admedia is placed on a website.

Create admedia with already defined deeplink

In some campaigns the deeplink is already defined. That’s the case, when a part of the deeplink is already shown over the input box.

Now just the part behind the already defined deeplink can be added.

Correct implementation:

The deeplink is already defined. The next part of the url is added in the input box .

Wrong implementation:

The deeplink is already defined. Nevertheless, the already defined part is again entered in the text field. The created admedia will not work because the URL does not exist.