Statistic API
The statistics API is used to call the statistics data. For this purpose the following parameter must be appended to the API call:
API | parameter |
statistic | get-statistic_{statistictype} |
You can specify the type of statistic you need to fetch from the API. This is possible by appending the type on the API call. It starts with "/get-statistic_" followed by the corresponding parameter. The following table summarizes which types are available:
statistic type | parameter |
statistic per day | get-statistic_daily |
statistic per campaign | get-statistic_campaign |
statistic per project | get-statistic_project |
statistic per subid | get-statistic_subid |
statistic per trigger | get-statistic_trigger |
statistic per referrer | get-statistic_referrer |
statistic per admedia | get-statistic_media |
statistic per transactions | get-statistic_transactions |
statistic per baskets | get-orders_baskets |
The API interface offers several filter options, which are appended after the statistics with the "?" operator.
parameter | value | description | example |
condition[period][from] | start date | Definition of the start date. | condition[period][from]=19.12.1909 |
condition[period][to] | enddate | Definition of the end date. | condition[period][to]=19.12.1909 |
condition[dynamicdate] |
| current month | All data of the current month. | condition[dynamicdate]=currentmonth |
| previous month | All data of the previous month. | condition[dynamicdate]=lastmonth |
| current week | All data of the current week. | condition[dynamicdate]=currentweek |
| last [days]
| Any value for the '[days]' can be entered here (e.g. 10 for the last 10 days). | condition[dynamicdate]=last10d |
condition[project_id] | project id | Definition of the projects to be filtered. | condition[project_id]=12345 |
condition[bruttodata] | true / false | Defines whether the numbers should be downloaded as gross numbers. This concerns especially the clicks and views of the advertising media. | condition[bruttodaten]=true |
condition[ignormandant] | true / false | defines whever the data should be system-wide or only on the given mandant. | condition[ignoremandant]=true |
Definition of fields in the statistics API
The columns of the downloaded file contain the following parameters:
Feldname | Beschreibung |
criterion | The criterion selected for the statistics. For example, if the statistic was selected by day, the days affected are displayed in this field. If statistics by campaign is selected, the corresponding campaign IDs are selected here. Usually the ID is displayed here. |
title | The name of the corresponding selected criterion. For example the name of the campaign or project. |
leads_open_count | Number of open leads. |
leads_confirmed_count | Number of confirmed leads. |
leads_canceled_count | Number of canceled leads. |
sales_open_count | Number of open sales. |
sales_confirmed_count | Number of confirmed sales. |
sales_canceled_count | Number of canceled sales. |
all_open_count | Number of open leads and sales. |
all_confirmed_count | Number of confirmed leads and sales. |
all_canceled_count | Number of canceled leads and sales. |
views | Number of views. |
clicks | Number of clicks. |
epc | The calculated, average revenue per click. |
ctr | The value indicates how many users actually clicked on the admedia after they saw it. |
leads_canceled_turnover | Total basket value of the canceled leads. |
leads_open_turnover | Total basket value of the open leads. |
leads_confirmed_turnover | Total basket value of the confirmed leads. |
sales_canceled_turnover | Total basket value of the canceled sales. |
sales_open_turnover | Total basket value of the open sales. |
sales_confirmed_turnover | Total basket value of the confirmed sales. |